It's highly likely that you believe that your current web browsing policy is sufficient. You have all the necessary restrictions in place, such as no access to suspicious sites, limited or no access to social media and on-line gaming sites, etc. Realistically though, you can’t control your employees’ Internet use 100% of the time. Censornet's survey of 1000 UK adults highlighted that one in ten admitted to visiting inappropriate websites on a work device or while connected to a company network and a further 25% confirmed that they used a work email account to authorise access to other online services such as gaming or social media.
Whilst this might come as something of a shock and it clearly makes disappointing reading; sadly it is not surprising that some employees engage in bad practices. Ultimately though is the employer's job to account for human failure in terms of the company's security. Growing threats such as these together with managing a myriad of issues to ensure the security of email, web and cloud applications makes it extremely difficult to keep an organisation operating securely and efficiently. The reality however is that not all organisations can afford to have their own dedicated, in-house security team to mitigate these risks.
However, help is at hand. ITRM Worx Protect has been created to enable employers to have greater control of their employees’ activities on email and over the internet, not only for monitoring but also for security. Through our powerful Web filtering, we can provide you with access to tools that will help you to monitor what your users are able to access and even restrict this to certain time periods. Our system allows businesses to drill down and see exactly what sites are being accessed and what comments have been made on a site. For example, our system allows businesses to view comments that are being made by its employees on a Facebook page without any notification to the users in question.
Of course, whilst ITRM Worx Protect is a powerful monitoring tool it also works as an added layer of security for your business. With our active site monitor, we check pages that have been accessed, compare these to a worldwide database and then allow or block these sites depending on severity.
In addition, we can include our email protect product to monitor and protect against phishing and virus attacks via email. Our email protect system can even check the validity of links within an email and will then modify these links to inform you on whether they are legitimate or an attempt to steal your data.
If you would like further information on how to monitor and counter the security risks within your business, please contact us on 0208 308 3300 for further information.